Musician, Home Studio, Songwriter, Composer, Lyricist, Coverart Artist.
if you'd like to see samples of my artwork visit:
Fender Stratocaster
Line 6 UX2 POD interface
POD Farm
electro-harmonix loop pedal
callisto chorus
crybaby wah
Zvex Fuzz factory
Earthquaker Levitation Reverb
Logic pro
Garage band
I am a guitarist with 13 years experience and I have 7-8 years experience recording music. I can play any style of music so I'm open to a lot of musical ideas/projects.
I also have a bachelors degree in Fine Arts from the University of San Francisco. I can create cover art for your project.
my rates are flexible depending on the project and work required.
general estimate for recording and writing : 25 USD per minute
general estimate for cover art: 60 USD per 2 samples/ 50 USD per approved cover.