Since 14 May, 2020
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United States


Happy 1st Year On ProCollabs



Musician (bass), Audio Engineer

I’m native from Puerto Rico but moved to the US when I joined the military.

I graduated from CCAT in Puerto Rico as an sound engineer and during my internship I was hire to work as a regular employee in a well know studio in Puerto Rico. Part of my duties were to record vocals and instruments, mix, and prepare mix sessions for mastering.

I also was a sound engineer for my 1,000+ members church before moving to the US.

During my military career I was inactive in studio work but I worked as a sound engineer for the church I was going to.

I recently decided to put together my home studio. It still a work in progress but I can mix and record my bass.

I listen to all types of genre but the one that touches my soul is rock, metal and anything in between.

During my professional mixing and recording years I worked with Puerto Rican Pop, Reggaeton and Hip-Hop artists.

Recording Setup

MacBook Air
Logic Pro X
ATH M50xBT headphones
Behringer Truth studio monitors

Ibanez SR505 (5 string)
Boss GT1B multieffects pedal
Fender Rumble 200 amp

Jackson RR model
Vox hybrid half stack amp

Session Work

$25 - mix
$15 - bass

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