Joe Quaill is a professional Singer/Songwriter based in Raleigh, NC. Over 20 years experience musically, Guitars, Vocals. 15 years experience Touring and performing. Aspiration is to continue writing for Publishing (Pro Songwriter) and to develop new Artists.
Vocalist, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Home Studio, Songwriter, Composer, Lyricist, Publisher, Indy Music Fan
PRS Custom 25, Ibanez Artist, Ibanez 7-String Electric guitars
Taylor 214 and Martin D-series Acoustics.
Cubase 9.5, Prosonus and Manley PreAmps, Scarlet Focusrite Interface
Neumann TLS-103 and Sure SM58 Mics
GUITARS: It depends on the style. Acoustic rhythm guitars, $150. Electric guitars (if an eccentric track with multi-layers, 250. Standard tracks, $150. (Negotiable)
VOCALS: $150 (negotiable)