Lover of music of all styles especially classic rock of styles and genres from allman brothers to zappa and everything in between.
Started out a Saxophonist for many years evolved into acoustic & electric guitar and been playing Fender Jazz Bass in Bands for years.
Play a lot of gigs and very knowledgeable in live sound as i provide the pa and mix the bands in as I deliver the mojo on the bass.
Computer savvy and using recording tools and contributed sites like kompoz, Enjoy the creativity!
Fender Adam Clayton Signature Jazz bass, Fender Precision, Fender 62 Vintage Reissue Jazz Bass, Fender American Standard Dimension Bass, Rickenbacker, Fender ebony Mustang, Musicman Stingray, Bacchus Jazz Bass, Fender American Standard Stratocaster, Fender Antigua Stratocaster, Ibanez Acoustic, Fender Acoustic, Ashdown Mag Bass Rig, MArkbass 800 Bass Rig, 1965 Apeg BA15 Fliptop. Mackie USB Mixer, protools first, EV cabinets, Yamaha Mixing console, Zoom h5n recorder, Windows 10 workstation, mixpad, wavepad, video pad utilities, pedal board.
Focus on Electric Bass to collaborate with songwriters and collaborations which expands the flavor of a song's foundation so that it can live and breath and deliver a unique impression to the listener.
Taking years of live situations into the studio and recreate the live sound and feel on your track.