I'm composing music, programming synths and playing electric guitar.
Guitatronik is a new project that is going to be a trippy, eclectic mixture of progressive rock, electronica with some jazz influences here and there. I have a bunch of instrumentals composed. I'm looking for like-minded, adventurous & creative musicians to collaborate on these tracks.
My DAW-of-choice is Ableton Live. I'm using a lot of VSTs to process the guitar sound, produce synth parts & drums.
I'm experimenting heavily with guitar sound to explore new possibilities and combine ambient, out-of-this-world processing with classic, raw, vintage sound.
Electric guitar goes into a signal splitter. Half of it goes straight into USB interface, the other half goes through a bunch of pedal effects into a guitar amp and then through a dummy load into the USB interface. It allows me to take advantage of both the "regular" guitar sound and completely wicked sound processing at the same time (e.g. converting guitar sound into MIDI to run synth VSTs).