Since 25 February, 2023
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United States


Happy 1st Year On ProCollabs



  • Lyrics
  • Melody Writer
  • Vocals
  • Vocals (female)


Singer and vocalist, songwriter and topliner for 5 years. I run my own project "Iphis Well' and I'm open to work with other fellow musicians, djs and songwriters.

Favorite Genres

  • Dance
  • Dubstep
  • Electronica
  • House
  • Pop
  • Techno

Recording Setup

home studio (ableton live 11, keyboard, MK4)

Session Work

Hi I am a french singer songwriter living in LA. I write and sing both in french and english. I do songwriting (melody and lyrics) , toplines, and i can be your vocalist too on Pop and EDM productions; I am here to collab with djs , musicians and other songwriters.

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