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A message posted on Tue 07 Feb, 2017 6:26 pm was deleted by DrewRoss
I'm kind of liking the "send everyone to Procollabs. com" method. 39 public views actually makes me quite happy ;)
#2110 Posted Tue 07 Feb, 2017 11:55 pm
Thank you for that original facebook spam video. A long time ago, someone convinced me to use the click farm to amp up likes so as to have the appearance of having a decent fan base to attract more fans. A few weeks ago I deleted about 1000 fake likes one by one when I realized what it had done to my inability to get engagement from followers.
And I have used the "boost my post" ad a few times too in the past, I think as you stated, unless you are paying in the thousands and have a product that is appealing to a large scale audience, its not going to be worth your while or give you a platform to further a niche business/product.
Im disappointed in Facebook though. Imagine a world where we would actually get what we paid for on that site. I bet they would end up making a lot more money in the end from all the happy customers giving the service free advertising when they tell people how effective it is.
#2111 Posted Wed 08 Feb, 2017 1:49 am
My connection keeps knocking off due to the bad weather here. But I'll respond to you guys as soon as I can. :)
#2114 Posted Thu 09 Feb, 2017 8:16 pm
I'm kind of liking the "send everyone to Procollabs. com" method. 39 public views actually makes me quite happy ;)

Originally posted by ShannonB on Tue 07 Feb, 2017

I think you have the right idea, Shannon! ;-)
#2119 Posted Fri 10 Feb, 2017 2:24 pm
Yep, it's very discouraging and misleading! Facebook has a big pop-up that says, "Promote Your Site" - and naive me says, "Oh cool, Thank you!" - then pays these cats to create a campaign, which I had to set up myself. They make you go through this whole spiel, from targeting countries and states and choosing what type of audience fits your site's content, etc. All of that, just to give you a few 'fake' likes? And it is sooooooo obvious that they are fake because if you go to their pages, they are from countries (that I did not target) and have no content on their pages! They just go around liking things. How freakin' absurd is that? I mean, why am I paying for a campaign that is bogus? Very tricky and deceiving - not to mention embarrassing! :/

Originally posted by RAVEN on Mon 09 May, 2016

Hi There,

I'm new here and sort of back dating through the forums for interesting topics to discuss.

I've actually had really good experiences with Facebook ads. It's possible they've cleaned it up since you posted this. Earlier this year I decided to do much the same thing on Facebook, promoting some drum covers that I did. I used the analytics on my YouTube channel which seemed to indicate that my System of a Down drum covers were really popular in South America (I'm from Canada).

So I thought, why the hell not. I threw $15 at an ad campaign that I ran for a week in some South American Countries. The facebook ad thing estimated that I would get 30-40 likes or something. I ended up getting close to 1000, real people interacting, commenting, tagging their friends and sharing. I was pretty impressed with it so I turned around and tried a campaign in North America, $15 got me less than 20 likes and pretty much 0 engagement...

I think I may have gotten really lucky, stumbling on an effective campaign and a target audience that likes the content I produce. (if you're wondering, the covers I did are tagged to the top)

My band's album is dropping in a few weeks. My bandmate and I are resolved to give it away for free just because we want our music to reach as many people as possible. The plan is to run $100-250 worth of campaigns for a 'Free album' (Enter your email) to this auto mailer and get the download link sorta deal. So I guess I'll see how that goes and try to remember to report back.

As far as fake accounts and fake likes, I've certainly heard about them and had to remove a few friends from my personal facebook because they'd accept the friend request from a clearly fake 'hot' girl profiles and they'd in turn try to add me. They are pretty easy to spot, I've had a few bots add me on skype too. lol. But, I've never had a problem with the fake likes, or views on Facebook like page/YouTube.
#2959 Posted Thu 02 Nov, 2017 10:46 am
Hi There, I'm new here and sort of back dating through the forums for interesting topics to discuss. I've actually had really good experiences with Facebook ads. It's possible they've cleaned it up since you posted this. Earlier this year I decided to do much the same thing on Facebook, promoting some drum covers that I did. I used the analytics on my YouTube channel which seemed to indicate that my System of a Down drum covers were really popular in South America (I'm from Canada). So I thought, why the hell not. I threw $15 at an ad campaign that I ran for a week in some South American Countries. The facebook ad thing estimated that I would get 30-40 likes or something. I ended up getting close to 1000, real people interacting, commenting, tagging their friends and sharing. I was pretty impressed with it so I turned around and tried a campaign in North America, $15 got me less than 20 likes and pretty much 0 engagement... I think I may have gotten really lucky, stumbling on an effective campaign and a target audience that likes the content I produce. (if you're wondering, the covers I did are tagged to the top) My band's album is dropping in a few weeks. My bandmate and I are resolved to give it away for free just because we want our music to reach as many people as possible. The plan is to run $100-250 worth of campaigns for a 'Free album' (Enter your email) to this auto mailer and get the download link sorta deal. So I guess I'll see how that goes and try to remember to report back. As far as fake accounts and fake likes, I've certainly heard about them and had to remove a few friends from my personal facebook because they'd accept the friend request from a clearly fake 'hot' girl profiles and they'd in turn try to add me. They are pretty easy to spot, I've had a few bots add me on skype too. lol. But, I've never had a problem with the fake likes, or views on Facebook like page/YouTube.

Originally posted by SmashKAB on Thu 02 Nov, 2017

Hi - welcome to the site. :)

That is really good to know that it worked for you. I've actually tried Facebook ads twice now - and both times I was bombarded by fake likes. No interaction/comments/engagement of any kind. So I was pretty disappointed, but mostly felt silly for spending money...twice.

Another member, Tom DeGroot had luck with Facebook ads as well, so maybe I will eventually try one more time. 3 times is a charm, so wish me luck! :)
#2965 Posted Thu 02 Nov, 2017 4:07 pm
Hi - welcome to the site. :) That is really good to know that it worked for you. I've actually tried Facebook ads twice now - and both times I was bombarded by fake likes. No interaction/comments/engagement of any kind. So I was pretty disappointed, but mostly felt silly for spending money...twice. Another member, Tom DeGroot had luck with Facebook ads as well, so maybe I will eventually try one more time. 3 times is a charm, so wish me luck! :)

Originally posted by RAVEN on Thu 02 Nov, 2017

Yeah.. I guess it depends how much money you spent but, if it makes you feel any better, I've lost money for all kinds of stupid reasons. From just straight up misplacing the cash, buying a fake sound system, Roommates stealing from me, failed investments.... Paying rent, most of that was back when I was working min wage jobs too so it hurt so much. Money is an unfortunate obstacle.

I guess I'm a little more hardened these days because if I somehow just lose $20 for what ever reason I just can't bring myself to care that much, as long as my bills are being paid and I have a roof and internet... and drum sticks. I'm good. And there's that saying 'You gotta spend money to make money'... of course by that logic, I should be rich by now. XD

Try experimenting with some low budget campaigns of facebook. Boost Posts, don't premote the page. When you boost your post and people react to it with the like, you can then click those likes and it will show you all the people that liked your post and there is a column where you can invite them to like your page.
#2969 Posted Fri 03 Nov, 2017 8:45 am
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