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Forums > Hangout > SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM.. SPAM

No politics. No religion. It's all about the music, people! So keep it clean, polite, and be sure to read our Community Guidelines before posting in the forum.

Hey guys,

Most of you are already aware that we recently had a spammer on the site. They managed to send a bunch of private messages out (manually) over a period of a few days – before being reported, then eventually banned. While there is no fool-proof way to avoid this from ever happening again, we have incorporated a few new preventative measures to help minimize the impact should another devious non-musician-type manage to get through the gates.

The first thing is, we’ve implemented a new Spam/Phising warning on private messages. How it works is – if a member sends an email or http link to another member, the email address/link will automatically be removed. You will also see a warning on the top of the page stating that it could ‘possibly’ be spam. So, if a spammer does manage to get onto the site and try to send private messages in hopes to lure you into going to their bogus website or give you an email address – it will be removed and you will see the Spam Alert warning.

It will be up to you to report it to us if you believe that the message is actually spam so we can intervene and take care of it. If you’re not sure who ‘we’ are, please follow the link to the About Us page ( ). You can also send us a message via the Contact Us link ( ).

Of course, not all email addresses or links will be from spammers – there may be times when a legitimate member might want to try to send another member their email address, or send them a link to another site, etc. The links/email will still be removed and you will still see the Spam Alert warning as a ‘precaution’. So please use your best judgment when it comes to those situations.

Second, we've also limited the availability of private messages being sent by free members (Listener and Basic membership). Paid memberships & Verified members (even with a Basic membership) will still be able to send unlimited private messages.

We’re sure some of you might be thinking that we’re taking this way too seriously, but we strive to make this community a safe and enjoyable place to be – free of spammers, fake accounts, and nonsense of that sort.

Again, if you suspect anything of being a bit phishy, do please report it to us immediately.

Thanks for your support!
#3161 Posted Mon 12 Mar, 2018 4:33 pm
"free of spammers, fake accounts, and nonsense of that sort."
Here, here to that.
Thanks for putting paid to Polythene Spam.
#3162 Posted Tue 13 Mar, 2018 8:20 pm

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