#3396 Posted Wed 13 Jun, 2018 2:48 pm
I have felt burnt out for about a year. My music goes nowhere; I can't even give it away for free. I have tried all the obvious options. The Free Music Archive have gone nuts; they don't want electronic music. So I put all my music bits and pieces in the "community section" on this site. Because nobody else wants it. The rational thing would be for me to stop making music. I don't make music that anyone wants to listen to. I fit no music genre. I have considered many times doing something else.
#3400 Posted Sun 17 Jun, 2018 3:41 am
Yea, it can be a burn out when you put a lot of effort into your work and things don't turn out how you planned. I'm feeling like that a little bit myself these days. It has also been a fun experience and healing by processing my emotions through creativity. So you have to weigh out the bad and the good. Keep trying, find where you fit in, or just do it for the joy of expression. Best wishes to you two!
#3401 Posted Sun 17 Jun, 2018 1:02 pm
Do any of you guys experience burnout, or feel like you can't finish anything? Is that two different questions? I feel like to finish or make a decent product, I have to spend a boatload of money that I don't have. Part of me thinks I wouldn't have this problem if I were a little more organized, or a little more focused. I have one song right now that has 5,000 files to sift through (an exaggeration of course), so I just started archiving because I was getting overwhelmed. Ahhhhhhhhh