Since 24 October, 2015
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United States


Happy 1st Year On ProCollabsValentine Day Challenge 2016 Runner Up1 Minute Jingle Challenge Winner 2016An Odd Challenge 2019The Major Challenge 2019Seasons Challenge 2020TV/Film Challenge 20212021 Come on Hear the Noise Challenge2021 Christmas / Winter Song Challenge2023 Movie Score Challenge2023 Haunted Halloween Song Challenge2023 Christmas Song Challenge


Collaborator Summary

kimberh is currently active in 1 project and has 24 published songs.

kimberh has multiple project credits, including
  • Producer
  • Composition
  • Piano
  • Vocals
  • Lyrics
  • Arrangement
  • Keyboards/Synth
  • violin
  • Drums
  • Mastering
  • Mixing
  • Bass
  • Cello
  • Horns
  • Guitar
  • Sound Effects
  • Cover Artist
  • Backing Vocals
  • and Sound FX


  • Arrangement
  • Keyboards
  • Lyrics
  • Melody Writer
  • Music Composition
  • Piano
  • Production


Guided by aliens, living in the simulation sometimes called life.

Favorite Genres

  • Alternative
  • Ambient
  • Contemporary
  • Contemporary Country
  • Downtempo
  • Electronica
  • Folk
  • Indie
  • Instrumental
  • Orchestral
  • Original Score
  • Pop
  • R&B
  • Rock
  • Singer/Songwriter
  • Soundtrack

Recording Setup

My brain and whatever I can get my hands on.

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