Since 16 April, 2022
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United States


Happy 1st Year On ProCollabs


Collaborator Summary

Inconceivable has 3 published songs.

Inconceivable has multiple project credits, including
  • Cover Artist
  • Cover Photography
  • Bass
  • Guitar
  • Programming
  • Producer
  • Drums
  • Keyboards/Synth
  • Arrangement
  • Composition
  • and Lyrics


  • Acoustic Guitar
  • Drum Programming
  • Electric Guitar
  • Midi Programming


Song writer, guitarist (electric & acoustic), drums, MIDI programming, mixing, vocals (non-melodic, such as rap or hard rock roars), comedian.

Favorite Genres

  • Alternative
  • Christian
  • Hard Rock
  • Rock

Recording Setup

Ibanez guitars (7 string and 6 string electric, 6 string acoustic) with GNX4 pedal, home studio, Sennheiser mics, general MIDI editing includes drums, strings, etc,

Session Work

I'm a guitarist (electric and acoustic), MIDI programmer, song writer, etc. The Inconceivable Music project was started in 2015 and has mostly been a local collaboration effort. I do most of the work myself now, while generally bringing in vocalists. If I can be of assistance, hit me up, I'm not looking to make bank so all rates are negotiable. Virtually all of our music has a lyric video available at or audio only on SoundCloud at

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