Adol says.. Im stuck in Traffic, but i'll BE home soon tos show them to you.
Posted at 11.35 am
Collaboration Phase This is a work in progress. Collaborators are busy busy!
Project Type: Public
Auditions: Private
Status: Open
Started: Nov 14, 2024
Description: no specific inspiration, was just noodling and a chord sequence grabbed me, this just spun out of that, need lyrics and vocal idea to give it more structure
Project brief: need lyrics and vocal idea to give it some structure, I keep hearing Dua Lipa or something funky in my head. if youcan add some Nile rogers chops :))
For audio file uploads, please use: 24 bit, 44.1 kHz
Adol says.. Im stuck in Traffic, but i'll BE home soon tos show them to you.
Posted at 11.35 am
lonesword says.. Oh yes, I'd love to see them thank you. I'm honoured.
Posted at 10.35 am
Adol says.. Took the liberty of writing some. Let me know if you want to read them.
Posted at 8.43 am
Adol says.. Hi there. Brilliant Instrumental. Do you want me to add some lyrics?
Posted at 8.41 am