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Track Title: SPECTRE
Description: "Shaken, not stirred." ;)
Mood: Cool, Sexy, Suspense
Genre: Alternative, Rock
  • D Minor
  • 120 bpm
  • 4/4
Originally Published: Dec 14, 2015
Song Administration: Roo
Licensing: For licensing or other information, contact the Song Administrator.


Like a spider that weaves a twisted web to slowly feed on its victim’s dread an octopus lurks to ambush prey while you free the corpse ensnared as bait SPECTRE Circling tight Around around round round round round Around around round around around round SPECTRE Feigning to strike Around around round round round round Around around round around around round SPECTRE Plotting new schemes Around around round round round round Around around round around around round SPECTRE Haunting your dreams Around around round round round round Around around round around around round He’s a shrewd puppeteer with phantom limbs who carries a grudge to do you in as shadows loom high above the dead a ghost pulls at wires inside your head


Ryan LucasAuthor
Ryan LucasComposer

CopyrightSound Recording

Owner NameWebsite
Ryan Lucas

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