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The King Is Slain

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Track Title: The King Is Slain
Description: Track 1 from the Ep Thracian Sunrise-by Tashev Tree. Follow the path of a young Thracian King from his beginnings to his end, a bawdy tale of swords and horsemen.
Mood: Aggressive, Epic, Fierce, Gutsy, Rowdy
Genre: Rock
Originally Published: May 11, 2020
Song Administration: GoodVibes
Licensing: For licensing or other information, contact the Song Administrator.

MicrophoneThe King Is Slain

The Prince Cheers to the Prince he is home Steps from his horse like a throne I cherish his every dream This man, this boy, should be King He's the one that we love Ten feet tall but a dove To the ladies he flees Tonight we drink to our knees Sow your wild oats Raise your drink to the skies Pull your wench to your side The Prince has so much to tell 'for he covers his eyes It's a dark place whence he come You can tell by his eyes For its murder that flies Too far from the fires eye Contemplation We must bide our time Till our fortune decides If we throw the bones too soon all will die Orpheus play my triumph The Challenge By Sabzious horse I demand The Odrysian throne is mine You will place it at my feet, Your spear, your heart and your eyes The Promise If you follow me men Down this treacherous road Thracian horsemen will bend Almoxis will make the underworld our home Pledge thy King If you pledge to thy King Orpheus surely will sing Eurydice's love it will bring Thunder to my throne A land to conquer Now we ride for the skies Thracian horsemen besides The God of Thunder has much to tell 'for he covers his eyes It's a dark place whence we go You can tell by his lies For its murder that flies Too far from the fires eye The battle plan We must hold our line If we throw our spears too soon all will die Come on Orpheus play our triumph The King speaks By Sabzious horse I demand The Triballi's land is mine They will place it at my feet, Their spears, Their hearts and their minds Glory be thy King Glory be thy King The battle begins Ride Ride for the mountains Take the King His life depends on you Ride, ride, ride The King falls The King has fallen And I don't know what to do Slings & Arrows For these are the slings & arrows That slay a King Nothing noble in an archers string Like Hades assassins they did him in The king is slain Now he's been laid to rest his bedraggled bones in a chest No memories, no moments are left The King's been slain.

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