Collaborator Summary
Adol is currently active in 1 project.
Adol has started and is currently managing 1 public project.
Lyricist. I love writing lyrics, and i want to share my passion and talent with like-mided individuals. I´m mostly a storytelling lyricist, describing rises and falls of people that are a product of my imagination. Music is what i want to do in life, and i want to find people who share this passion and/or commitment. I believe our musical gift is supposed to be shared with the world. As Frank Zappa "Withou Music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills should be paid." I have to agree with him, and that´s NOT because he is one of my favourite musicians ever, although he indeed is. I agree with the quote because music can always put a smile on your face, regardless of what your preferences are. So, let´s make some music!
Plese contact me through my email: