Since 7 February, 2015
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Happy 1st Year On ProCollabsValentine Day Challenge 2016 Runner Up


Collaborator Summary

G4greg has 10 published songs.

G4greg has multiple project credits, including
  • Vocals
  • Lyrics
  • Backing Vocals
  • Other instruments
  • and Guitar


  • Acoustic Guitar
  • Arrangement
  • Electric Guitar
  • Lead Guitar
  • Lyrics
  • Mixing
  • Rhythm Guitar
  • Vocals


I've been involved in music bands since my very early teens, and that was more than 25 years ago.

I am mainly known as a vocalist, but people I collaborate with also seem to appreciate my guitar playing, although it's quite basic.

I am now settled down and with a family, but that doesn't mean I lost all my musical drive. Quite on the contrary.

Online collaboration was a like a revelation for me. Suddenly, I could play with extremely talented musicians from the comfort of my home.

Favorite Genres

  • Acoustic
  • Alternative
  • Blues
  • Funk
  • Gospel
  • Grunge
  • Hard Rock
  • Jazz
  • Metal
  • Pop
  • Rock

Recording Setup

a variety if mics through a focusrite interface.. and an ibanez jazz guitar... and a Yamaha acoustic...

It's not what you have that counts, it's what you do with it ;)

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