Since 10 March, 2023
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United States


Happy 1st Year On ProCollabs



  • Acoustic Guitar
  • Guitar
  • Keyboards
  • Lyrics
  • Melody Writer
  • Music Composition
  • Piano
  • Rhythm Guitar
  • Ukulele


I believe the perfect interval, the perfect triad, the perfect melody line exists, and I strive to find it. But unfortunately (and more importantly, FORTUNATELY) it's a moving target and is ever elusive from one moment to the next. I've been playing acoustic guitar for 20+ years with inspirations coming from The Beatles, Paul Simon, and Dave Matthews. I have always had access to a keyboard/piano but neglected to give it the proper attention until about 5 years ago. Now, my guitar gently weeps for more attention. I don't have much desire to be on stage or to get recognition for any crowning achievements. I just enjoy making music that makes me happy. I'd love to collaborate with others to cooperatively create something that makes us happy (or sad, if that's what the moment desires). I'd love to bounce ideas, recordings, mixes, and/or files back and forth to try and hit the moving target the Universe has for us that day.

Favorite Genres

  • Acoustic
  • Alternative
  • Ambient
  • Classical
  • Contemporary
  • Indie
  • Inspirational
  • Instrumental
  • Latin
  • Meditation
  • Nature
  • New Age
  • Orchestral
  • Original Score
  • Pop
  • Singer/Songwriter

Recording Setup

I have a small studio set up in an office running...
Logic Pro
Casio 220 CDP keyboard
Yamaha U1 Acoustic Upright
Taylor 914CE
Alvarez 5037 12 String Acoustic
Ibanez AEG62
Koa Kaleo Ukulele
Alesis Drums Nitro Mesh Kit

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