Since 26 June, 2023
Verified Account
Stephanie Gilliard
Charleston, South Carolina
United States

PRO Affiliation (CAE/IPI)

BMI 01174323668


Happy 1st Year On ProCollabs


Collaborator Summary

StephSomething is currently active in 4 projects and has 2 published songs.

StephSomething has multiple project credits, including
  • Guitar
  • Vocals
  • Composition
  • and Lyrics


  • Acoustic Guitar
  • Arrangement
  • Electric Guitar
  • Guitar
  • Lead Guitar
  • Lyrics
  • Music Composition
  • Rhythm Guitar
  • Synthesizer
  • Vocals
  • Vocals (female)


Vocalist, Musician, Home Studio, Songwriter, Composer, Lyricist

Favorite Genres

  • Alternative
  • Ambient
  • Dance
  • Electronica
  • Experimental
  • Funk
  • Grunge
  • Hard Rock
  • Hip Hop
  • House
  • Indie
  • Rock

Recording Setup

Logic Pro X, SM 57 Beta and SM 58, Tele, Orange Amp, Many pedals, Drum Kit... and a ton of other stuff...

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