Since 6 September, 2023
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United States

PRO Affiliation (CAE/IPI)

ASCAP 6180326
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  • Arrangement
  • Drum Programming
  • Electric Bass
  • Melody Writer
  • Music Composition
  • Percussion
  • Production
  • Rhythm Guitar
  • Synthesizer
  • Vocals
  • Vocals (male)


I am working up to things slowly with simpler stuff after so much time away from my DAW and normal setup. I was building up some momentum in 2023 until later in the year when I suffered more setbacks.

There is still some unfinished studio setup work pending. I have been forced to drop many projects for now mid-stream, not just music production. I hate this reality.I suffer from incessant chronic pain, verified by various tests, under several professional treatments. Mostly these were brought on from backbreaking jobs I worked in my younger days while trying to make it in the music biz.


Not-So-Brief blurb about me:

I was in the alternative scene in my younger days and got close, but was ousted by artists more monied than I, with more connections. I've been doin' this music stuff for a while on and off...starting in Boston, was signed to a now infamous indie label that I later worked for after moving to NYC. I also co-wrote material and fronted a live band that was unfortunately too short lived...

Relocated to upstate NY in 2018. I started working on "d'Attic" here, but injuries forced me to abandon it. "d'AtticRedux" is the name of my newest "recording facility, LOL" which has the distinctive feature of not being an attic at all.. :) There have been several fits and starts...(ugh). When things finally looked promising, I had to deal with more chronic pain issues, making it unfulfilling and difficult to work at the level I want to be able to.

Favorite Genres

  • Alternative
  • Ambient
  • Electronica
  • Experimental
  • Funk
  • Hip Hop
  • Industrial
  • Rock

Recording Setup

Logic Pro, plugins, some outboard gear, vintage keys, pedals, electric and acoustic drums and percussion, some guitars, basses.
Jack of all trades, master of none, except maybe vocals. People seem to take my writing and production ideas seriously...and, well, most have not heard the rest, as far as my own writing, yet...

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