Collaboration Datasheet

Casually Undone

Cover image


Track Title: Casually Undone
Description: Casually Undone: a 6 minute rock track
Mood: Bittersweet
Genre: Rock
Originally Published: Nov 18, 2021
Song Administration: Vuya
Licensing: For licensing or other information, contact the Song Administrator.

MicrophoneCasually Undone

Lyrics by Raven On a lonely street To a road that leads to nowhere A million miles away From a love no longer there And my soul bleeds from memories Fading into darkness A once lucid reverie That left me feeling heartless Some say love is war It's a game that I am losing A deadly battlefield Cold, broken and confusing Tragic and dangerous This victory you've won Was it worth the cost to you Now That I've become casually undone So the story goes We lost all hope Of ever reconciling Trapped inside my head From all you said But now I'm slowly dying You struck first and won And I've become casually undone Slowly unraveling This deadly web you've spun Was it worth the cost to you Now that I've become casually undone So the story goes We lost all hope Of ever reconciling Trapped inside my head From all you said But now I'm slowly dying You struck first and won And I've become casually undone



Licensed Work and Public Domain

This project is an adaptation of, or uses, the following licensed and/or public domain works.
LicenseTitle of WorkAttribute ToWebsite
Creative Commons Attribution (BY) (v4.0 International)CU Original Vocal TrackRAVEN
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA) (v4.0 Int.)Casually UndoneRAVEN
Creative Commons Attribution (BY) (v4.0 International)Casually UndoneKevin Hartnell
Creative Commons Attribution (BY) (v4.0 International)Casually Undone - KH MultitracksKevin Hartnell
Creative Commons Attribution (BY) (v4.0 International)Casually Undone - KH MultitracksKevin Hartnell
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial  (CC BY-NC) (v4.0 International)Casually Undone all instrumentsGoodVibes
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial  (CC BY-NC) (v4.0 International)CU-Bass TracksGoodVibes
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial  (CC BY-NC) (v4.0 International)Casuality Undone-Vox IdeaGoodVibes
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial  (CC BY-NC) (v4.0 International)Vox Seps AMGoodVibes
Creative Commons Attribution (BY) (v4.0 International)Casually UndoneKevin Hartnell

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