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Forums > Community Challenges > A spooky challenge

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I'm not finding the time I need for this challenge :(
#2835 Posted Thu 28 Sep, 2017 1:49 pm
A message posted on Thu 28 Sep, 2017 2:58 pm was deleted
Hey guys - there is still a whole month before this challenge ends. :)

Jorgob - I think you might be mistaking this 'Spooky Challenge' for the licensing opp we have posted? The licensing opportunity ends today, but this Spooky Challenge ends October 31st.
#2837 Posted Thu 28 Sep, 2017 3:55 pm
Uhm I knew that, was just joking hehe
#2838 Posted Thu 28 Sep, 2017 4:32 pm
Just a reminder to everyone taking part in the Spooky Challenge...

Your entry must meet the requirements of the challenge below to be eligible to receive a ProCollabs credit.

1) Your cover art must have the colours orange and black on it.

2) You have to pick from one of the following song titles and create a track around it:

1. A Monster Musical
2. Behind the Dark Mask
3. Cannibal Stew
4. I Hate Halloween
5. Trick or Treat?
6. Vampire Apocalypse

3) Entries should be completed by 31st October and loaded into the Music Store.
#2839 Posted Thu 28 Sep, 2017 5:37 pm
My orange may be closer to red....if that's not acceptable let me know...I can change it.
#2840 Posted Thu 28 Sep, 2017 6:10 pm
My orange may be closer to red....if that's not acceptable let me know...I can change it.

Originally posted by tpistilli on Thu 28 Sep, 2017

I guess I thought that was kind of a burnt orange? I think you are good, Tony. ;-)
#2841 Posted Thu 28 Sep, 2017 6:43 pm
Ok, mine is finished! It was a fun challenge.
#2842 Posted Thu 28 Sep, 2017 8:56 pm
I certainly would like to partake in this challenge!
#2843 Posted Fri 29 Sep, 2017 12:28 am
Hey, I figured what the heck and submitted my challenge to the Halloween opp....nothing ventured, nothing gained! That might actually be a very cool way to do some challenges - pick one of the opps and have offer several for that opp as a result....?
#2844 Posted Fri 29 Sep, 2017 10:24 am
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