Originally posted by HayashiNil on Tue 05 May, 2020
That's great and better late than never :-)
Hopefully you'll get some collaboration going.
Be great to see a few more ProCollaber’s joining in and helping to get them completed :-)
Is it shared to other platforma such as sound cloud or Is it just here.
Originally posted by Rick297 on Mon 11 May, 2020
Hi Rick and welcome to ProCollabs.
No, the Music Store is not shared with other platforms but you can sell you music directly from there.
Have a look through the tutorial, it gives you a good overview of how it works. Any questions just shout :-)
Look forward to hearing some of your music.
I know that it's super late, but I still thought that I would share this song I wrote. It's a song inspired by themes like rebirth during the springtime. If you have any ideas and would like to collaborate, please let me know. I'm looking for a lyricist/vocalist and any other instrumentalists who would like to play!