Since 14 January, 2024
Gabriel Easler
United States


Happy 1st Year On ProCollabs


Collaborator Summary

EasyBeat is currently active in 1 project.


  • Cornet
  • Lyrics
  • Trumpet
  • Ukulele


A lyricist new to the game who's always wanted to make some music of my own. I've got some decent musical experience including singing, and reading music on the treble clef, and I've always loved listening to music. My absolute favorite part of a song is its purpose, and why it was written in the first place. Is it relatable? Does it cut deep? Does this song connect to others to form a life story? Artists like AJR, I Prevail and Cavetown really catch my eye- or ears, rather -with their lyrics, and truly draw me in through their compassion to the meaning behind a song. I truly hope that one day, someone can say the same as me.

Favorite Genres

  • Country
  • Grunge
  • Indie
  • Pop
  • Rock

Recording Setup

I don't quite have any gear or anything, but I always keep a pen and pad on me, and have easy access to the internet. I'm often active during night on my computer, however I'm always active trying to figure out new ways to write things.

Contact Information ... Lemme know if you wanna talk outside of the website, and I'd be glad to collaborate with you!

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